... 轻度打浆浆料:light beaten stock 轻刀打浆:light beating 轻磅纸,薄页纸:feather-weight paper,lightweight paper ...
Light-beating spectroscopy 拍光光谱学
light beating bucket veceiver 光拍斗形接收器
light beating gathering power 光拍聚集率
light beating bucket receiver 光拍斗形接收器
ultrafast light beating 超速光脉冲
picosecond light beating 微微秒光脉冲
light beating spectroscopy [光] 光拍光谱学
picoadditional light beating 微微秒光脉冲
That time, the farmer didn't even receive a light beating.
While devices like the NIST-F1 use atomic signals of microwave frequency with billions of cycles per second, newer clocks, including Oates’, rely on light waves beating a million times faster.
I thought I should cover some of the best procrastination-beating strategies, in light of my recent book, focus.